Арахамія Давид Георгійович

David Arakhamia

Hello, dear readers! Today’s biography is about a prominent Ukrainian politician and MP, David Georgievich Arakhamia. His birthday is May 23, 1979, and he was born in Sochi. Arakhamia is known as a successful businessman in the IT sector and as a member of the Servant of the People party. He is also the leader of the Servant of the People faction in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. We invite you to learn more about his life and career.

Childhood and family

David Georgievich Arakhamia spent his childhood in different parts of the world. He was born in Sochi, but spent part of his childhood in Georgia. In 1992, as a result of the war in Abkhazia, he and his parents moved to Mykolaiv. His father is a teacher and his mother is a cosmetologist. He is married for the second time, his wife is Victoria. They have 6 children. Two sons – David and Daniel, and 4 daughters – Dana, Demi, Darika, Denis. Also, his wife came up with a pseudonym for him, David Braun.

Дружина та діти Арахамія


Arakhamia is a graduate of Mykolaiv secondary school No. 36. He received his higher education at the European University, where he studied economics and earned a master’s degree. Later, he successfully completed a master’s program in Professional Management at the Open University London.

Professional path of David Arakhamia

Арахамія Давид Георгійович

IT company Template Monster

In 2002, Arahamia opened TemplateMonster, an IT company specializing in website creation and template design. In 2013, he successfully sold the business for $100 million.

Volunteering and working at the Ministry of Defense

After TemplateMonster was sold, Arakhamia returned to Ukraine, where he became actively involved in protest movements and volunteering. In August 2014, he became an advisor to the head of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration on volunteerism. In September 2014, he accepted the position of Defense Minister’s Commissioner for Procurement, and a month later became an advisor to the Minister of Defense and Chairman of the Volunteer Council at the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Political activity

In the early parliamentary elections of 2019, Arakhamia was elected as a member of parliament from the Servant of the People party, ranking 4th on the list. In August 2019, he became the leader of the Servant of the People faction in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Weblium web platform

In 2016, the Arahamia project was launched – the Weblium web platform.

Supervisory Board of the State Concern “Ukroboronprom”

On July 9, 2019, Volodymyr Zelenskyy appointed him a member of the Supervisory Board of the state concern Ukroboronprom.

Negotiations with Russia and scandals

In February-March 2022, at the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, Arakhamia led the Ukrainian delegation in negotiations with the Russians in Belarus and Turkey. During a meeting in Istanbul on March 29, the delegation led by Arakhamia proposed that Ukraine abandon its intentions to join NATO and provide it with a non-nuclear and undisguised status in exchange for security guarantees from UN Security Council member states.

A week before the Russian invasion in 2022, Arakhamia announced his intention to register a bill that would restrict the right to travel abroad for certain categories of people during martial law. These individuals include MPs, ministers, officials, and heads of regional and district administrations. However, he later postponed this initiative on the recommendation of the President to prevent panic among the population.

In June 2022, he was accused by Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili of alleging that Arakhamia had obstructed the granting of EU candidate status to Tbilisi.

In November 2022, he visited Vienna to meet with sanctioned oligarch Dmytro Firtash. There, journalists also recorded his meeting with non-public businessman Vemir Davitian. Arakhamia said that the main topic of their meeting was to discuss the possibility of opening a grain corridor for the ports of Mykolaiv region, where Group DF owns the port of Nika-Terra, as well as the settlement of legal disputes related to the titanium industry.

At the end of 2022, he voted for the urban planning reform (#5655), which was aimed at supporting the construction industry, but was canceled due to public opposition in early 2024 when the president did not sign it.

In December 2021, the media reported that Arakhamia was working on a bill to legalize gambling. According to Ukrayinska Pravda, this process was influenced by betting companies, and it was Arakhamia, in particular, who supported the interests of Parimatch. The MP confirmed a meeting with Parimatch CEO Serhiy Portnov.

In December 2023, Bihus.info journalists found that during the full-scale invasion, Arakhamia repeatedly used the cars of Borys Kaufman, an Odesa businessman involved in corruption investigations. The cars belonged to Kaufman’s company, Tedis Ukraine, a distributor of tobacco products. Arakhamia himself explained this action by his personal friendship with Kaufman.

In September 2023, he suggested that Ukraine could extradite Ukrainians who had traveled abroad with forged documents. This statement was criticized as unrealistic and populist, in particular by his party colleague Fedir Venislavskyi, who noted that mass extradition is impossible because there is no appropriate legal procedure.

These are just a few of the highlights of David Arakhamia’s career. He continues to be active and makes a significant contribution to the development of Ukraine.


Арахамія Давид Георгійович

Arakhamia is one of the most prominent politicians in Ukraine. He is the head of the Servant of the People faction in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. He was awarded the Order of Merit III degree for his volunteer work, according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine of August 23, 2014.


David Arakhamia is a prominent Ukrainian politician and businessman. He has made a significant contribution to the development of the IT industry and political life of Ukraine. His life story and achievements serve as an example for many people. We hope you found this article useful and interesting. Thank you for reading!