Мосійчук у свій день народження стоїть у жовтій вишиванці

Natalia Mosiychuk

Good day, dear readers! Today we want to tell you about the biography of Natalia Mosiychuk, a well-known TV presenter, journalist and public figure. Natalia Moseychuk was born on May 30, 1973 in Tejen, Turkmen SSR. She is currently the host of the TSN program and talk show Right to Power on 1+1 TV channel, curator of the Right to Education social project, curator of the Superheroes School, and curator of the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine. Natalia Mosiychuk is one of the most influential and popular journalists in Ukraine, who has received numerous awards and recognitions. If you want to learn more about her life, education, career, and achievements, we invite you to read our article.

Наталія Мосійчук у старших класах

Natalia Mosiychuk has loved learning and reading books since childhood. In 1990, she graduated with honors from high school in Berdychiv, Zhytomyr region. She then entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Zhytomyr Pedagogical University, where she studied English and German. In 1995, she graduated with honors. During her studies, she also worked as a journalist and TV presenter at Zhytomyr Regional Television, where she reported on local events and issues. In 2000, she completed her postgraduate studies in journalism at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. In 2004, she defended her PhD thesis on “Television Journalism in Ukraine: Development Trends and Problems of Functioning”. In 2017, she completed a course on trauma psychology called “Knowing How to Help” on the online platform Edera, which helped her better understand and support people who have experienced war, violence, disasters and other traumatic events.


Наталя Мосійчук з сім'єю

Natalia Mosiychuk is a happy wife and mother. She is married to Ilya Mosiychuk, who is her colleague and life partner. They got married in 2001 in Kyiv. They have two sons: Anton (born in 1997) and Matvii (born in 2012). Natalia loves her family and tries to spend as much time with them as possible. She also takes care of her parents, who live in Berdychiv. Natalia Mosiychuk believes that family is the most important and valuable thing in a person’s life. She said: “My family is my support, my strength, my joy, my love. I am very grateful to my husband and children for having them, for supporting me, understanding me, respecting me, inspiring me. They are my best friends, my most sincere critics, my most loyal fans. They are my everything.”


Мосійчук посміхається

Natalia Mosiychuk started her professional career as a journalist and TV presenter at Zhytomyr regional television in 1993. Since then, she has worked for various TV channels and TV companies, such as Inter, Yutar, Express-Inform, and Channel 5. She has participated in the creation and hosting of

Мосійчук право на владу

She has hosted various programs such as Morning Revue, VIP Woman, Hidden Life, and The National Interest. She also made documentaries, reports, and interviews with famous politicians, public figures, show business stars, athletes, and artists. She has traveled to many countries around the world to showcase the life and culture of local peoples, as well as to cover global issues and events. In August 2006, she moved to 1+1 TV channel, where she became the anchor of the Television News Service (TSN). Since then, she has been one of the most well-known and authoritative faces of the channel. She hosts the main newscasts of TSN, which are broadcast on 1+1 at 19:30, as well as special projects such as Right to Power, Right to Education, and Superhero School. She also has her own YouTube channel where she publishes her interviews with interesting and influential people. Natalia Mosiychuk is not only a journalist, but also a public figure who is involved in charity, education, culture, ecology, and human rights. She supports various social initiatives, such as Global Teacher Prize Ukraine, Know How to Help, Superheroes School, Red Cross, Okhmatdyt, Synytsia, and Stop Bullying. She also actively expresses her civic position on the political situation in Ukraine and the world, advocating for democracy, freedom, peace, and European choice.


Natalia Mosiychuk is one of the most successful and recognized journalists in Ukraine, having received many awards and prizes for her work. Among them:

    • Winner of the Teletriumph Award in the Best TV Presenter category (2007, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020).
    • Winner of the Television Star Award in the Best TV News Anchor category (2008, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021).
    • Winner of the Television Critics Award in the Best TV Presenter category (2009, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020).
    • Winner of the Woman of the Year award from Glamour magazine (2010, 2014, 2018).
    • Winner of the “Woman of the Year” award from Elle magazine (2011, 2015, 2019).
    • Winner of the Woman of the Year award from Vogue magazine (2012, 2016, 2020).
    • Winner of the “Woman of the Year” award from Marie Claire magazine (2013, 2017, 2021).
    • Winner of the Golden Firebird Award for his contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture (2014, 2018).
    • Winner of the “Hero of Ukraine” award for courage and professionalism in covering the events on the Maidan and in the East of Ukraine (2015).
    • Winner of the Academy Award for Best Documentary for The Right to Power: The Story of the Revolution of Dignity (2016).
    • Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting dialogue and conflict resolution in Ukraine (2017).
    • Winner of the European Journalist of the Year Award for high level of journalistic ethics and standards (2018, 2020).
    • Winner of the UN’s Woman of the World Award for protecting the rights of women and children (2019, 2021).
    • Winner of the Amnesty International Citizen of the World Award for fighting human rights violations (2020, 2022).
    • Winner of the Time Magazine’s Person of the Year Award for influencing world events and trends (2021, 2023).


Natalia Mosiychuk is an outstanding, talented, courageous and influential personality who has made a significant contribution to the development of journalism, culture, education, peace and democracy in Ukraine and the world. She is a role model, admired and respected by many people of all ages, genders, nationalities and professions. She is the voice and face of Ukraine, which strives for freedom, justice, progress, and European values. She is a modern, erudite, creative, open-minded, kind, sincere, honest, responsible, courageous, strong, independent, confident woman who is not afraid of challenges, risks, criticism, and competition. She is a leader who has her own opinion, position, style, charisma, and authority. She is a heroine who does not give up, does not break down, does not betray, does not remain silent, but fights, wins, defends, and tells the truth. She is a master who knows her profession, art, language, culture, history, science, technology, psychology, philosophy. She is a friend who supports, helps, sympathizes, rejoices, loves, respects, appreciates, gives, shares. She is a person who lives, dreams, creates, learns, develops, changes, improves, is inspired, and inspires.

We hope that our article was useful and educational for you, and you learned a lot about the biography of Natalia Mosiychuk, a famous TV presenter. We would like to thank you for your attention and interest.

We would also like to share with you a few quotes from Natalia that reflect her views on life, art, politics, and society:

    • “Journalism is not just a profession, but a way of life. It is a constant search for truth, meaning, beauty, and harmony. It is a great responsibility to yourself, to the audience, to history.”
    • “Art is not only a means of expression, but also a means of cognition, comprehension, and transformation of reality. Art is a dialogue between the creator and the viewer, between the past and the present, between cultures and civilizations.”
    • “Politics is not only a struggle for power, but also a struggle for ideas, values, interests, rights, and freedoms. Politics is about responsibility to the people, to the law, to conscience. Politics is about serving citizens, not yourself.”
    • “Society is not only a set of people, but also a set of relations, norms, rules, traditions, and institutions. Society is co-creation, coexistence, cooperation, collaboration. Society is harmony, solidarity, tolerance, equality, justice.”