Кирило Думський біографія

Kirill Doomski

Welcome, dear readers! Today we are going to take a look at the life and career of a prominent Ukrainian DJ, Kirill Doomski. Born on July 7, 1979, Doomski became known for his unsurpassed DJing skills and influence on the Ukrainian music industry.

Childhood and family

Kirill Dumsky is the son of Natalia Kalinina and Stas Boklan. He became an adopted son for Stanislav Boklan, who raised him as his own child. The artists have a daughter together, Maria. Kyrylo is married and has two children: Demid “Diomid” (born in 2015) and Arina (born in 2017).


Kyrylo studied television directing at Kyiv’s Karpenko-Kary Theater Institute. His education and skills helped him become one of the first professional DJs in Ukraine.


  • Kirill Doomski was an event manager at VIRUS Music. He has been a member of the VIRUS Music team since the first Global Gathering, i.e. more than 5 years.
  • He is the music director of the World Map restaurant chain and the chief resident of Buddha-Bar Kyiv.
  • In 2012, he was invited to perform at one of the most prestigious establishments of the Buddha-Bar chain in Monaco.
  • On August 4, 2012, he opened for Madonna at the Olympic Stadium as part of the MDNA World Tour 2012.
  • Kirill Doomski is a multiple participant of the KaZantip festival and a resident of Global Gathering in Ukraine. In 2011 and 2012, he represented Ukraine at the debut of the world’s leading dance event, Sensation.
  • He is the first and only DJ to perform live with an entire orchestra for 2 months in the 1+1 project “Dancing for You”. Kirill is a DJ with 17 years of experience.
  • In the past, he was a resident of the legendary Opium Dance Club and Playoffs Club.
  • He was one of the first DJs to work at the console of the iconic Ultra nightclub throughout its existence.


Kirill Dumsky is not just a DJ, he is a person who has made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian music culture. He is the creator and host of many dance radio shows on Kiss FM, Hit FM, Radioactivity, etc.


Кирило Думський біографія

Photo: facebook.com/kirill.doomskiKirill Dumsky is a man who has changed the face of the music industry in Ukraine. His influence on the music scene is undeniable, and his achievements speak for themselves. We hope you found this biography useful and informative.

Thank you for reading!