Козицький Зіновій

Zinoviy Kozytskyi

Hello, dear readers! Today we are going to talk about a prominent personality in the natural gas and energy sector – Zinoviy Kozitsky, owner of Zakhidnadraservice Group and founder of ECO-OPTIMA, the largest group of energy companies in Western Ukraine.

Childhood and family

Zinoviy Kozytskyi was born in the village of Berezivka, Radekhiv district, Lviv region. He is married and has two sons: Stepan Zinoviyovych, who is a co-founder of the business and director of Zakhidnadraservice LLC, and Maksym Zinoviyovych, who has been the head of the Lviv Regional State Administration since 2020.


Kozitsky was educated at the Lviv Medical Institute between 1974 and 1980, where he studied medicine and became a psychiatrist. After that, he specialized in various areas of psychotherapy and alternative medicine.


Козицький Зіновій

Kozitsky has extensive experience in various fields. He worked as a doctor, deputy chief physician, and head of a department at a hospital in Mykolaiv district, Lviv region. He also worked as a doctor in the rehabilitation group of the USSR Ministry of Health at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant’s medical center. Zinoviy Kozytskyi started his own business as an acupuncturist in Mykolaiv, Lviv region. He was the organizer of the opening of the first inpatient department of non-pharmacological methods of neurosis treatment in Ukraine in the psychiatric hospital of Mykolaiv district.

Zinoviy Kozytskyi also founded and managed a medical private enterprise, Intermed PE, which was engaged in various areas of alternative medicine: electroacupuncture diagnostics, homeopathic medicines, psychotherapy, etc.
He was the deputy chief physician of the Lviv Regional Psychiatric Hospital. Kozitsky worked part-time as a regional medical representative for Pharmacy and Upjohn and Pharmacy Corp (USA). He also traded in metal and coal through the Polish-Ukrainian joint venture Interonix.
He was the CEO of Ukrmedresurs LLC, which traded in medical equipment.

Mr. Kozitsky is the founder and owner of ENERGOINVEST, an electricity generation company. He was the founder and CEO of the oil and gas company Ukrnaftogazinvest.
Founder and co-owner of ECO-Optima LLC, which produces electricity from solar and wind power plants.Owner and founder of Georozvedka LLC, a company engaged in engineering, geology and geodesy.

Козицький Зіновій

Since 2014, Zinoviy Kozytskyi has been the owner of Zakhidnadraservice, a natural gas production company. He is also the owner of Agro-Optima, a grain growing company. Since 2021, Zinoviy Kozytskyi has been the owner of L’viv.media, a news website about Ukraine, Lviv and Lviv region.


Zinoviy Kozytskyi is a supporter of the ideology of “healthy lifestyle” and continuing his initiatives to improve the ecological and cultural environment of Ukraine’s major cities, he is one of the founders of the first Ukrainian bicycle rental network NEXTBIKE and BIKENOW.

Zinoviy Kozytskyi also has an active civic position, devoting a lot of effort to charity. “The Kozitsky Charitable Foundation was established during the war to support our military and strengthen the country’s defense potential.

Other charitable projects he has implemented include participation in the construction of dormitories at the Ukrainian Catholic University, book publishing, digitization of the archives of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, assistance in the fight against Covid-19, assistance to communities in the Lviv region in the construction of infrastructure facilities, and support for historical and cultural institutions.


Kozitsky is a prominent business personality in Ukraine. He has succeeded in gas production, having discovered 10 fields and drilled 56 wells. His company, Zakhidnadraservice, is the largest private company in Western Ukraine, producing 152 million cubic meters of gas in 2019.His life story is an important example for the younger generation of Ukraine. Mr. Kozitsky continues to work actively and develop his business projects, making a great contribution to the economy and social development of Ukraine.