П’єр Ганьер

Pierre Gagnaire

Pierre Gagnaire

  • Birthday: 09.04.1950 of the year
  • Age.: 66 years
  • Place of birth: Apignac, Loire, France
  • Citizenship: France


Pierre joined his father’s restaurant, located near St. Etienne, as a chef in the mid-1970s. It was after his arrival that the restaurant received its first star from the famous French guide ‘Michelin’.

Pierre Gagnaire was born in 1950 in Apinac, Loire, France, to a restaurant owner. He became interested in cooking since childhood, and Pierre gained his first experience a little later, having worked in several restaurants. It is known that Pierre even had a chance to be a cook on a warship, which was during his service in the navy.

Pierre joined his father’s restaurant, located near St. Etienne, as a chef in the mid-1970s. It was after his arrival that the restaurant received its first star from the famous French guide ‘Michelin’.

Pierre Gagnaire opened his restaurant in 1980 in Saint-Etienne. After a decade of managing and working in the kitchen, Gagnier’s restaurant was already the owner of three Michelin stars.

In 1995, Pierre closed his restaurant for financial reasons and went to Paris, where he got a job as a chef. A few years later, he opened a restaurant called Pierre Gagnaire, which again received a high rating from Michelin. By the way, in 1995 Gagnaire represented France at the international competition ‘Iron Chef World Cup’.

It is known that Pierre Gagnaire never rested on his laurels. He traveled a lot, studying the cuisines of other nations, and at the same time introducing them to his own. Thus, his cuisine can be tasted in Dubai, Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Las Vegas, Saint-Tropez and London.

The famous chef has also been to Moscow, offering his cuisine to Muscovites at the Gallery restaurant for several days in 2006.

The chef himself compares his recipes to improvisations in jazz. Just like jazz, in which the main motif gradually grows into other motifs, Pierre Gagnaire initially emphasizes one main dish, gradually adding others to it. The result is the very ‘culinary music’ for which Pierre Gagnier and his

are used all over the world.

Ganier is also known for his experiments – sometimes he combines seemingly different products together. For example, he has served strawberries with pepper and fish with chocolate. However, everyone who has ever been lucky enough to try such a mix from Pierre has been consistently satisfied.

Gagnaire’s restaurants are traditionally included in the ‘S. Pellegrino world’s 50 Best Restaurants’ according to the ‘Restaurant’ magazine, and in 2006 and 2007 his restaurants were ranked as high as third in this list.

Gagnaire is one of the creators of nouvelle cuisine, as well as the fusion and molecular cuisine.