Григорій Бакланов

Hryhoriy Baklanov

Greetings, dear readers! Today we are going to talk about the life and career of a famous Ukrainian actor, Hryhoriy Baklanov. He was born on August 31, 1994 in Odesa. Hryhoriy is known for his work in theater and film, and one of his most famous roles is Lavrin Kaidash in the TV series “To Catch Kaidash”.

Childhood and family

Hryhoriy was born and raised in Odesa. He graduated from the children’s theater school. In his personal life, he is married to Ukrainian theater and film actress Anastasia Tsymbalaru.Hryhoriy Baklanov with his wife


After graduating from a children’s theater school, Hryhoriy continued his education at the Ivan Karpenko-Kary National University of Theater, Cinema and Television in Kyiv, where he successfully graduated in 2016.


After graduation, Hryhoriy worked as an actor at the Kyiv Young Spectator Theater on Lipky in 2014-2016, and at the Kyiv Drama and Comedy Theater on the Left Bank in 2014-2015.Since 2016, he has been an actor at the New Theater in Pechersk.

One of his best-known roles is Lavrin Kaidash in the TV series “To Catch a Kaidash”, which was released in March 2020.

AchievementsGrigory Baklanov

Hryhoriy Baklanov was nominated for the Kyiv Pectoral Award 2020 for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role as Claudius in the play Hamlet.


Hryhoriy Baklanov is a talented actor who has made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian theater and cinema. His roles always impress the audience with their depth and conviction. We hope you found this article useful and interesting. Thank you for reading!